「Caramel’s Guitar Kitchen(キャラメルズ・ギター・キッチン)」は福岡県在住のクラフトマン片田氏による Made in JAPAN オリジナル・ハンドメイドギターブランドです。人の目を惹くPOPでCOOLで個性的なデザイン、50年代〜60年代を模倣したニトロセルロースラッカーで独自の塗装法によって仕上げられたボディ、TV-Jonesが搭載された至高のピックアップ、1つ1つ職人の手作りによって細部に渡りこだわり抜いた素材とデザイン。またウォーミーでありながらシャープという繊細なサウンドは他に類を見ない。世界中どこにもなかったデザインをぜひご覧ください。
・GOTOHのペグ、Graph Tech社の人工象牙TUSQナットなど細部にもこだわりのパーツを使用。
Caramel's Guitar Kitchen is a made in Japan original handmade guitar brand by a craftsman living in Fukuoka. It has an eye-catching unique design, a body finished with nitrocellulose lacquer that imitates the 1950s and 1960s, and TV-Jones pickups. The materials and designs are all chosen by a single craftsman and carefully incorporated in every detail. Both the warmth and sharpness of tone is unparalleled. It’s somehow nostalgic, but it’s totally original.
-Handmade one by one and carefully finished by the luthier.
-Nitrocellulose lacquer coating. It is carefully finished over time.
-The nitrocellulose paint lends itself to creating it’s own natural patina, not the fake “relicing” of so many mass produced guitars. Your guitar will develop its own honest weathering over time.
-The original checkered stitch painting creates an eye-catching design.
-Equipped with TV-Jones pickups that capture that vintage sound.
-Uses Gotoh tuners and Graph Tech’s artificial ivory TUSQ nuts.
-Push-pull-pots allow a variety of sounds by coil tapping.
Made in Japanを世界へ
片田タケシ 1964年佐賀県生まれ

A pride of made in Japan. The feelings of the design.
Takeshi Katada
In 1981, at the age of 17, Takeshi went to Tokyo to be an action star. He aimed to be an actor while working several jobs. He worked part-time in a bakery, served soba in a restaurant , and worked at an okonomiyaki shop, However, he changed direction, and decided to become a professional musician. He was taken by the beauty and romance of the guitar. While shopping for a guitar in Ochanomizu, he looked at a guitar for sale and said to himself, “I can make that myself!” With the last of his money, he bought the individual parts the next day and assembled them. He learned how to make guitars before even learning how to play one.
After developing some skill on the guitar, he formed a band. They got their first gig, but the band dissolved immediately afterwards. He went back to mundane work at a soy sauce ramen shop and pizzeria in a hotel in Koenji. Later, he opened a bar and got married, but neither lasted long, and at 48, he came back to his hometown alone.
An opportunity to run an overseas restaurant didn’t pan out, so he worked part-time in a factory to make sweets for a convenience store. Still the shock he received in Ochanomizu was unforgettable, and he never stopped making guitars for the next 2 generations. He continued having only this thought; he wanted to make a guitar which could be found nowhere else in the world. So he continued to refine his skills as a guitar maker and moved his base of operations to Fukuoka where he now finishes one guitar at a time from his original designs with love and care. At the age of 56 he began selling his instruments full-time and has been a professional luthier since 2020.
Caramel’s Guitar Kitchenが
株式会社エランツミュージック 代表 根本
I was in my twenties when I met Katada-san, and this guitar with a strong impact had already been completed.
I fell in love at first sight and asked him to sell it to me,
I asked him to sell it to me, but he refused, saying that he was not thinking of selling it to others at that time.
Fifteen years later, I met Katada-san again,
He made me a guitar.
It was the “first” guitar I sold to someone.
He had never sold a guitar to anyone before.
Katada-san decided to sell it after returning to his hometown of Fukuoka. “Because I couldn’t find a guitar anywhere that I thought was cool.” “I want to make something that makes you feel great when you hold it in your hand. ” “As a guitar craftsman, I want to continue making guitars.”
I decided to help Katada-san with his desire to make guitars.
Caramel is Katada-san’s favorite word.
Guitar is Because “Guitar”
Kitchen is because Katada-san has been involved in ramen shops for a long time and loves to eat delicious food.
Caramel’s Guitar Kitchen will
may it be your “personality” and “taste”.
Representative of Ellans Music Co., Ltd.
Certificate of design registration
Registration number:1649706